Sunday, July 14, 2013 ( AGAIN sued by publishers for counterfeit textbooks!

This blog will be regularly updated with the case details and legal documents as and when available so stay tuned! All the links below point to the actual legal documents filed in the Southern District of New York.

Major US publishers once again sued (formerly for allegedly importing and selling counterfeit textbooks on their sites and other sales channels! They were first sued by publishers in 2008 for the same reasons and back then, settled with the publishers by paying $150,000.00 in damages and entering into a "cease-and-desist" agreement.
The details of that 2008 settlement can be found in the post below and in the legal document here: Settlement Agreement Legal Document

Here is the detailed timeline and links to the actual legal documents filed in the Southern District of New York for the currently pending lawsuit (Case #: 13-CV-0816).

Plaintiffs: John Wiley and Sons, Cengage Learning, Pearson Education and Elsevier Ltd

Defendants: Book Dog Books LLC and Philip Smyres

1. Feb 4rth, 2013: Major US publishers file a complaint in SDNY alleging Book Dog Books LLC and its principal Mr. Phil Smyres through its website imported and sold counterfeit textbooks to thousands of students across the US.

US Publishers Vs. Phil Smyres, etc. (Complaint)

2. Phil Smyres and filed a motion in SDNY demanding that the case be transferred to their "home district" of Southern Ohio (and out of Southern District of New York).

US Publishers: Why the case should not be transferred to Ohio:
Plaintiffs oppose transfer of case to Southern Ohio Why the case should be transferred to Ohio:
Defendants' Reply to plaintiff's opposition to transfer case.

Judge denies's motion to transfer; case stays in SDNY:
Defendants' Motion to Transfer is Denied

3. Now that the case will be heard and settled in New York, the Defendants file the answer to Plaintiff's Amended Complaint: Responds to Amended Complaint

4. Plaintiffs file a statement in court because Textbookrush is not releasing the requested documents which would aid the plaintiffs in their discovery process. The original deadline to submit the requested documents was September 27th, 2013 which the defendants failed to meet:
Plaintiffs alleging Textbookrush not releasing requested documents

5. The Judge directs the defendants to provide all the requested documents by November 15th, 2013 or face sanctions in court.
TextbookRush ordered to release all requested documents by Nov 15, 2013

The Mark Blackerby Angle

Mark Blackerby is an individual residing in Alabama who has allegedly supplied Textbookrush with most of their counterfeit textbooks. MB (with his associate David Knight and his brother Perry Blackerby) has a history with the publishers and the US Customs and Border Protection. In 2006, the USCBP seized a shipment of textbooks being imported by MB from Thailand which were counterfeit. He was sued by the Publishers and agreed to pay $75,000.00 in damages (and got away without going to jail) for the criminal offense. However, in October 2011, he along with his associates was sued again by publishers for importing counterfeit textbooks and selling on his website ( Mark's brother Perry Blackerby has a Thai wife (Ms. Maliwan Malaisri) who, by virtue of her nationality has multiple connections with professional counterfeiters in Thailand. Using her connections, these individuals imported counterfeit books into the US by the shiploads. One of their main customers!

Here is a timeline of the lawsuit against the David Knight, Blackerby clan and Ms. Malaisri:

1.  Publishers Sue David Knight, Mark and Perry Blackerby

2. Defendants respond to the complaint

3. Judgement to pay $700,000.00 against David Knight, Mark Blackerby and Perry Blackerby


  1. You do know that this is a cult owned book store? Phil Smyres is a cult member of Prem Rawat. He believes his bookstore is owned by Prem Rawat and that he is just running if for him as a way of doing "service" for his "guru".

    Dennis Jones, a friend of Phil Smyres and fellow cult member, is also being sued by these publisher for the exact same allegations. His textbook store is Chimes Textbook Exchange LLC. He also believes the bookstore belongs to the cult leader.

    Dennis Jones and Phil Smyres bookstores are the brain child of Amtext (Sterling Educational Media) who settled with the publisher. Amtext is owned and operated by Prem Rawat cult members.

    Amtext, Phil and Dennis give the profits they make to Prem Rawat.

    Just an FYI.

    1. Can u tell me how you know this? I'm doing some research on counterfeit books. Thanks.

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