Sunday, July 14, 2013 (formerly known as and its principal Mr. Phil Smyres were sued by major US publishers for the importation, distribution and sales of PIRATED (international edition) textbooks and COUNTERFEIT textbooks. The publishers alleged that Mr. Smyres imported thousands of international edition textbooks and counterfeit textbooks manufactured in Asia and sold them through their website : ( and other sales channels.

After months of legal wrangling,  ( decided to settle with the publishers and agreed to the following main terms in addition to other terms and conditions:

=> Pay $150,000.00 in damages to the publishers
=> Cease all importation of international edition textbooks from Asia
=> Allow representatives of publishers to inspect their warehouses once per calendar year up to a total of three years

The full settlement agreement (legal documents) can be seen here: (FKA Settlement With US Publishers Legal Document

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